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Dive Buddy Distance
GenoMc - 11/08/2011 5:58 AM
Category: Survey
Replies: 44

I read this question at a site on FB, and I thought I would ask it here on Dive Buddy to get your opinions........How far do you think is acceptable for your dive buddy to be away from you during a dive?
oceanbound - 1/27/2013 10:32 PM
[Choose #1] as well as how familiar you are with your dive buddy
Greg - 12/04/2012 8:26 AM
[Choose #5] within one fin kick
divingmauritius - 11/20/2012 10:10 AM
[Choose #5] within limits to help in case of emergency. 1-2 kick cycles
urbaneve - 12/26/2011 9:40 PM
[Choose #1] around 30 ft.. unless waters are murky, then we go about 10 feet.
badintexas - 12/18/2011 12:11 PM
[Choose #5] Within one fin kick :)
daz88 - 12/15/2011 12:05 AM
[Choose #5] "E" all of the above
DerekDives - 12/07/2011 8:13 PM
[Choose #5] 1-2 kick cycles
diverray - 12/04/2011 8:36 PM
[Choose #1] Close enough to see you signal for assistance, and to give it.
Jase - 11/30/2011 3:12 AM
[Choose #4] conditions play a huge part in a decision like this, not to mention your buddy’s ability
DiveBuddyChgo - 11/27/2011 6:01 PM
[Choose #5] How far can you swim without air while your buddy is swimming away from you ? An arms length is proper acceptable buddy skills.
divershaun - 11/20/2011 11:06 AM
[Choose #1] buddy doesnt leave my side of vis is horrible
mgm53142 - 11/18/2011 9:42 AM
[Choose #1] Not more than 15 meters
SaintsReturn - 11/15/2011 7:01 PM
[Choose #1] I feel this varies slightly on a case by case basis, but ultimately i look at it like this, how long will you have to react in an emergency, keep that distance....
luv2scuba - 11/14/2011 10:48 PM
[Choose #5] one meter
Indiana - 11/14/2011 7:48 PM
[Choose #5] SOB but will stick close if buddy wants me to
HogLifer - 11/14/2011 1:29 AM
[Choose #5] After 36 yrs and thousands of dives, I practice self reliance. I always dive with a pony and don’t take any unecessary risks. I don’t EXPECT someone else to save me if I get in a jam.
TColJeep - 11/10/2011 12:35 PM
[Choose #1] add experience & knowledge...
allstarwa - 11/09/2011 8:00 PM
[Choose #5] Depends on water visibility, conditions, depth and dive buddy experience.
sadfish - 11/08/2011 10:32 PM
[Choose #1] It appears this seems to be the standard so far.
MonkeyDiver - 11/08/2011 5:39 PM
[Choose #4] I like the first option, but it still has to be part of the dive plan.
ScubaSteve63 - 11/08/2011 4:42 PM
[Choose #5] All the guys I dive with are SOB’s (Same Ocean Buddies).
LatitudeAdjustment - 11/08/2011 10:17 AM
[Choose #2] It depends who I am diving with, one woman scouts ahead for subjects but never more than 20’
JoePagano - 11/08/2011 7:16 AM
[Choose #1] How long can you breath hold? Do you have a pony? Bottom line - Not Too Far!