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Drager Dolphin with everything and extras - 1/04/2012 8:36 PM
Category: For Sale
Replies: 0

this unit is in great shape and has the extend aire cartridge system installed.
included :
2 steel 23 cu ft blue drager bottles with fresh hydros and visuals
the drager regulator with contents spg 1st and second / demand
breathing counter lung with all drain screws in place
moisture catch bag
mouthpiece with all hose attachments
2 drager bcds that fit the unit
the spare parts / rebuild kit drager repair kit
all orifices are included
extra valve
and the uwatec Oxy 2 sender and wrist unit
it all works and passes both negative and positive pressure tests
not included :
extend aire cartridge.
This unit was well cared for and is a great deal at 999.00
If you want to buy this you will need to show proof of rebreather certification or have an instructor buy it for you
Hal Wells
323 969 9666
padi Drager Re-Breather Instructor
Hollywood Divers