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Dive Grand Cayman or Cozumel?
tardmaster - 3/16/2015 5:16 AM
Category: General
Replies: 8

Me and the family are going on a cruise in about 2 weeks and I have the chance to dive Grand Cayman or Cozumel. I only have time for 2 tank dives. Which would you choose and why? Do’s or don’ts ?

Any help would be appreciated.

Greg - 3/16/2015 6:17 AM
If you haven’t dove the Kittiwake in Grand Cayman, you should really try to. My two boys and I dove the Kittiwake while Becky and my daughter snorkeled above us. We all had a blast.

Cozumel would be cheaper for a two tank dive...plenty of corals and drift diving.
Greg - 3/16/2015 6:21 AM
Also, be sure to look at the Related Content at the bottom of this forum topic...others have asked similar questions before.
OleCrab - 3/16/2015 8:09 AM
I agree with Greg on diving the Kittiwake. But also diving with the sting rays would be fun for all problem is they are on opposite side of the island for that. The wife & I were able to dive about 12 of the west coast side (which is where the Kittiwake) is resting and we had a blast.
Remember the Grand Cayman Island prides itself on having 365 dive sites (1 for each day). The reefs range from approx. 40 feet to over 100 feet and are full of live.
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/16/2015 8:10 AM
Well the big 4 in the Carib are Cayman, Coz, Bonaire and Roatan. You have a chance to check off 2 of them in one cruise :) Cayman has beautiful reefs and a few wrecks, Coz is drift diving, swim thru’s and beautiful viz with I think fewer fish but you’ll probably never see a Splendid Toadfish anywhere else.

How many of you are diving because we have some DB members who operate 6 packs in Cozumel and you could get a better price and go where you want as opposed to the cruise operator who tailor’s the trip to the lowest skill divers.
OleCrab - 3/16/2015 8:15 AM
Well your on a cruise, that in itself means little time to do anything on shore depending the ship arrival to departure time. So I would not say it is a full check off. This is why I don’t do cruises, but instead enjoy the location for a full week (plus 15.5 years of sea time in the Navy).
tardmaster - 3/16/2015 8:21 AM
I’m the only one diving. I will probably only have time for two dives in either location. My family is taking the cruise and it wouldn’t be fair to them if I spent my whole time underwater. I’m not booking through the cruise. Have heard they are waaaay to expensive. This is not a dive vacation. this is a vacation for the whole family. They just got me the dives as a birthday present.
Greg - 3/16/2015 8:48 AM
Here is an article my wife wrote about our cruise ship trip to Grand Cayman. We dove with Divers Down, which is a short walk from the cruise ship terminal.
Greg - 3/16/2015 8:50 AM
You’re also getting some Facebook responses here: