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Rappel - A Dive Into Bonaire History
adiverslife - 2/02/2021 5:53 AM
Category: Videography
Replies: 2

We just released this new video on A Diver’s Life that is dedicated to the Bonaire diving legend Bruce Bowker.

Rappel, one of the least dove sites in Bonaire’s West Coast and a site once thought undiveable from shore and difficult to even approach with a dive boat. It was not until 1974 when Bruce Bowker made his historic rappel down the 65 foot sheer cliff into the Caribbean Sea that the amazing wonderland was discovered. In this episode we will take you to the cliff face where Bruce made his dive using a rappelling harness and scuba gear to rappel down to be the first person to dive the site. We will take our boat, the Honey Bee, to Rappel and dive in the day and night. The sight is jaw dropping by any measure with a wide bowl-shaped plateau bordered by the high Rappel cliff. We will take you on a tour of the coral garden and the plateau between Rappel and Bloodlet dive sites giving you a front row seat to the marine life that awaits. This is the first video we shot largely in 4k and scaled down to deliver on the Internet. We have never seen video of Rappel that can come close. If you love diving, Bonaire, and amazing coral you will love this video. One look and you will want to book a flight to our amazing island. Be ready to be amazed.
Smithsgold - 2/03/2021 11:27 AM
Nice job on the video !!!!
adiverslife - 2/03/2021 1:58 PM
Thank you!