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Photo Upload Failing
kblair210 - 7/28/2021 4:55 PM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 3

There appears to be a problem with the site in that every time I try to upload a dive site photo, I get an error that says "Error: A general error occurred, please try again."

Any tips to resolve this?
LatitudeAdjustment - 7/29/2021 9:10 AM
Which dive site are you trying to add a photo too?
kblair210 - 7/29/2021 11:59 AM
From LatitudeAdjustment: Which dive site are you trying to add a photo too?

It fails on any I’ve tried. A couple examples are Devil’s Den or Rainbow River.
Greg - 12/31/2021 11:46 AM
I see this photo was uploaded to a dive site. Make sure the photo is less than 5MB in JPG or PNG format.