Blue Heron Bridge construction starting, plan ahead!
LatitudeAdjustment - 7/14/2022 7:32 AM
Category: Health & Safety
Replies: 0

From the Bridge FB page
The scope of the work involves bridge concrete deck replacement in various locations on the westbound lanes, concrete restoration of the bridge foundation including footers, piers, and pile caps, and bridge joint repairs.
The bridge will remain open to traffic during the construction but will require westbound lane closure for 3 months. All traffic – east and west – will be detoured to the eastbound lanes.
Phil Foster Park will remain open but the entire beach area under the bridge, the playground, and the sidewalks will be fenced off – currently scheduled for mid-March through May 2023. (We assume this also means the showers).
Here’s what we have learned so far. Please refrain from asking questions on this post as this is literally all we know!
The eastern part of the beach that’s not under the bridge will stay open and can be accessed via the stairway from Blue Heron Blvd. Divers and snorkelers will need to walk from parking lot up to traffic light, cross the street, and walk down the steps to the beach from street level.
The swimming and diving area in the water will stay open.