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Metric and imperial
mo - 8/19/2008 12:25 PM
Category: General
Replies: 3

Just had a thought, if a certified open water diver from the UK was on holiday in the states and wished to do their advanced open water cert, would they have problems as the states still use imperial measurements, or are instructors trained to teach both.

I for one would have a real issue trying to work in imperial as I guess someone used to imperial would have issues working in metric
romeo25411 - 8/19/2008 2:14 PM

Mike O’Leary teaches mainly in English units (imperial), but I have known him to teach metric in the past for a group from Finland.

He is geared more toward cave and technical, however you may contact him through his website. Mike is one of the best instructors I have had to pleasure knowing and diving with.

Hope this helps!

divemaiden - 8/19/2008 5:08 PM
When I got my OW 6 years ago, my instructors used both metric and imperial. When giving an example or problem to solve, they would give the imperial measurement first, then the metric. They explained it was to help us translate into the metric as it’s used around the world.
seawolfdiving - 8/19/2008 5:27 PM
As I recall, most of the training materials available for use to both students and instructors present values in both Metric & Imperial. The only place where you might run in to a bit of a snag is with the gauges that you use. However, many dive shops have both inperial and metric gauges available for sale or rental.