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Dive Shop Recommendations?
Tsmith0711 - 4/06/2009 7:54 AM
Category: General
Replies: 3

We are looking for a good dive shop in the Ft Lauderdale area. The one we currently use might be going out. Looking for one with a lot of one on one customer service, like the smaller shops have to offer. We like the ones that offer a lot of different types of products.
LatitudeAdjustment - 4/06/2009 11:24 AM

A divebuddy who lives in Lauderdale by the Sea sent me to Scuba School right on A1A and next to a bridge but I forget the street name, not Commercial, it’s south of that. The parking lot can be a PIA to get in and out of!

I’ve only used them for air fills and equipment service, no instruction.
trimixdiver - 4/08/2009 9:14 AM
Austins Diving Center in Miami has an extensive selection from your OpenWater Diver to your full Technical Diver,Snorkoler to your Blue Water Hunter they have it all and the prices are good ask for Hector.
fmichaelk - 4/12/2009 10:43 AM
Hi: Check out Undersea Sports in Fort Lauderdale. They are on US 1 just North of Sunrise. Good prices. Great service. Also good is Lauderdale Divers on 17th SE just West of the causeway bridge.