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2009 Survey
JoDan - 4/28/2009 8:45 AM
Category: General
Replies: 5

Just finished taking a look at the 2009 Scuba Survey results. I was interested in the responses to one particular question; "if you could take over your local dive shop....what would you do differently?" WOW did they open a can of proverbial worms. If you slowly scan through the answers you’ll quickly notice that it slowly becomes a list of individual complaints about each diver’s respective local shop. I never knew how lucky I was! I am a divemaster for our local shop and have never had to deal with some of the issues you guys have. If you get a chance to scan through the answers POST your favorite! My particular fav #126
Greg - 4/28/2009 6:13 PM
Thanks for taking the time to read over the responses. The survey provides dive retailers with a lot of valuable information. It shows what divers really want.

Click here to view survey results.
Greg - 4/28/2009 6:14 PM
BTW, I like response #154 to the survey question you mentioned :)
diverjay - 4/29/2009 6:53 AM
I think #295 is pretty good.
JoDan - 4/29/2009 8:10 AM
The first line of answer #581 is priceless! I agree with you greg; what a great tool to get uninhibited feedback from your consumer base. P.S. Ordered a Tshirt yesterday, Ill make sure to take pics wearing the shirt on my upcoming trip to the Cayman Islands and post them! NO WORRIES!!!! 
Magdalena - 5/06/2009 12:39 PM

Please, do I really have to go into the survey and read trough all the answers to know what you like? Please, dont say jst the number, can you please qute???
