Well you have to realize a couple things. People are posting pics to their profile pages to help describe them and the way the live. Obviously diving is a big part or they wouldn`t be on this site to start with.
So when you click on the photo link at the top, you see everything that people are posting to their profiles.
Also, this is a relatively "young" website. It doesn`t have corperate sponsers like some of the other, more advanced ScubaBoards out there. And therefore, is limited in how the site performs. (so as to hide some of the pictures or better catagorize them) But it is growing in size and functionality.
So yeah, there are a lot of "non diving" pics on this site, but if you look around the other sites, you will find just as many "non diving" pics there as well! They just have a catagory for it!
So I wouldn`t complain too hard.... in fact, make a donation and get a dive flag next to your profile name.
Keep up the good work Greg!!