I question the legality (in the USA anyway) of this. Specifically the "chat" feature, which appears to be transmitting on VHF Marine channels. VHF marine radios require a ship station license, unless operated from voluntary ships operating domestically. A ships license is granted to the ship, not the person. There are unique situations where a portable can be used in conjunction with it’s ship’s radio, but never by an independent (from the ship’s license) person. The only other exception to the requirement for a ships license is for use on land, which requires a marine utility station license. One must show a need to communicate with ships while walking (portable) on land. There are also fixed land radio station licenses, for fixed land operation.
Then, you would most likely also need a Radio Operators Permit to operate that radio, unless it was on a voluntary ship operating domestically. Note that domestically forbids communications outside the USA, including traveling to foreign ports.
If operated outside the USA, one would need to secure a station license and operator permit IAW the specific regulatory agency of that country.
Use even in an emergency is a violation. Each of us would have to weigh violating the law versus the potential risk of safety by not doing so. I personally know of hikers whose lives’ were saved by illegally transmitting on VHF marine frequencies, and were cited for the illegal operation by the FCC.