chazrich - 4/13/2011 1:41 PM
As someone from Colorado, I have to say that drilling more there is not a good option. In the past few decades the drillers found a pretty good source for natural gas in Colorado, especially in the Uncompagre Plateau. The problem is they rode roughshod into Colorado and started popping wells in on every empty desert hilltop they could find, hoping gas would rush up from the ground. Drillers out there call this "stabbing" wells. The problem is they run around punching holes and move on when a hill proves unproductive, leaving all their unwanted junk behind. Before the stabbers came the clear cut loggers to the same regions, which is why much of the region is desert today. Before the loggers were the yellow cat (uranium) miners, who left their mill tailings for us to clean up later at the cost of millions of taxpayer dollars.

So, when will we finally wake up and realize they aren’t doing this FOR us, but rather TO us? And when will we learn that these idiots almost always leave a mess behind that will cost the taxpayers more to clean up than the companies at fault paid in taxes and permits in the first place. I guarantee that if we required these morons to put a hefty deposit in escrow for the restoration of the land after they are finished and make them carry enough insurance to clean up stuff like the deep water horizon, most of them would plan their drilling a little better or not do it at all.