It’s easy enough to assemble yourself if you are mildly mechanically inclined. Be aware the first stage has both high and low pressure ports. The high pressure port is where you connect the hose for your SPG/console or Pressure sensor/transmitter. The low pressure ports are used to connect the hose for you second stage regulator/octo, power inflator hose and drysuit inflator hose. which port you use for which device is a matter of what layout works best to route the hoses when your entire kit is assembled. It may take a bit of thought for a new first stage or first timer to figure out what configuration works best for them.
After your figure it out and get it assembled take the time to assemble your full kit, pressurize it and throw it in the pool to check for leaks and that the gauges and/or computer work. Next test the power inflator and reg at the surface and in shallows before a final test in deeper water.
It isn’t rocket science.