GrayT - 2/09/2012 4:45 AM
I am in Afghanistan as a contractor and only dive during vacation times. I certified O/W in December of 2010 in Thailand. The next time I did any diving was in Fiji, October 2011. While diving in Fiji, I asked about getting Nitrox certified. Completed the study portion in between dives ( at a liesurely pace ) and finished everything off with my Nitrox dives. Its an easy course schedule that pretty much keeps you in the water. Not too intensive, but definitely informative. You on’t have deep dives and personally, you feel alot better after diving on Nitrox. Look into it. You may find that once you continue your diving, it all comes alot easier for you. Next thing you know, you’re commenting about the awesome deep wreck dive you just experienced. Also, remember, diving isn’t all about the different specialty courses. We dive for the sake of diving... For the enjoyment of it. Just have fun!!