Brass_Hat13 - 9/22/2008 2:44 AM

As far as DCS for rescue diving, the closest story I have is from a couple years ago.

We were doing some husbandry jobs on a group of ships carrying marines back from the gulf back in the beginning of ’04. Most of the guys had spent well over 4+ hours a day in the water for a couple days in a row.

We were on our way out to one of the ships in our small boat to remove a patch, when we received a call on the radio that there was a person trapped in a tank. Come to find out, an M1A1 Abrams Tank had rolled of an LCAC( landing craft air cushion) into about 100 fsw in the middle of the harbor.

By the time we really realized what was going on we had scrambled our dive gear together and were ready to get wet. We located the LCAC who had already dropped a marker bouy.

We splashed our diver who had close to 8-10 hours of BT shallower than 40 fsw over the previous 2 days. He made a dive to around 80-100 fsw for around 15 min, searching for the tank.

Later after surfacing he complained of joint pain, but was unsure do to working a scrubber for the last couple days. A neuro was conducted and we ended up treating him for DCS. He had full relief after treatment.

Hope this helps. If you have anymore questions, please ask.