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Find a good doctor
Anonymous - 6/02/2016 11:56 AM
Category: Anonymous
Replies: 9

I have type2 diabetes and want to find a doctor that knows something about scuba and Diabetes. Where would be a good place to start looking?
Anonymous - 6/02/2016 5:14 PM
+1 for DAN as well. I am a member but I understand that they have been very receptive to assisting nonmembers as well.
Anonymous - 6/02/2016 6:48 PM
Thanks, I’m looking into it right now.
Anonymous - 6/03/2016 8:09 AM
This is a good preparation to follow for diabetics; I follow this myself being a Type 2. You can always ask your primary care doctor or your endocrinologist to look for local specialist if DAN doesn’t help. Your doctors should be there to assist you and provide the proper information where you may be able to find a doctor.
Anonymous - 6/03/2016 9:37 AM
My present doctor refuses to give me a physical to dive even though I have had excellent control of diabetes for over six years. I think it’s time for a second opinion.
Anonymous - 6/03/2016 10:27 AM
You are a patient as well as a customer, if you don’t like the service your doctor is providing, find a new one. My A1C is 6.2 and my morning glucose numbers are on average between 95-115. I always record my glucose numbers before and after I dive.
Anonymous - 6/03/2016 11:09 AM
Found a doctor only a half hour away.
Anonymous - 6/05/2016 5:11 PM
If/when you are cleared to dive, please make sure your buddies, dive master and future instructors know so they can give you good support in the water.