Clear Blue Molokini 2 Passengers Polycarbonate Kayak - $2300
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Comments: 3
Clear Blue Molokini 2 Passengers Polycarbonate Kayak - $2300


Fritz - 4/14/2013 9:30 AM
The bright side.
Sharks tend to attack and wait until their prey is dead before eating it.
So, yes, your chances of being eaten alive are slim.
RichKeller - 3/20/2013 4:57 PM
I would not be too sure of that! The real Moby Dick was not a whale, he was a great white shark that would ram small wooden boats off New England and eat the occupants.
Greg - 3/20/2013 6:55 AM
From a shark’s point-of-view, they would see two dangling legs :) But it’s ok, your chances of being eaten alive are slim: