Splash Diving
Jason - Lunatic007
Joined On: 3/13/2009
Last Login: 4/06/2009
Member Type: Instructor
I’m a NAUI Instructor currently diving with Splash Diving in Benoni, Gauteng, South Africa.
I’ve been diving since 2002 and became an Instructor in 2007.
To date I have completed the following Speciality NAUI courses: Environmental, Nitrox, Shark (course presented in conjunction with the Natal Sharks Board), Rescue, First Aid/CPR, Wreck.
I am also a proud supporter of Sharklife Conservation Group.
My personal diving course ambitions still include Deep Diving, Close-Circuit Rebreathers (CCR), Cave, Technical, Trimix.
The best part of my diving experiences are that I get to dive with and meet amazing people from all over the world.
My ultimate dive dream would be to dive with the Great White Sharks in the Cape - without a cage - to experience their amazing natural beauty without any restrictions.
Being underwater and blowing bubbles gives me the freedom and inner-peace that modern society deprives us of - so my diving is a definite relaxing and integral passion of my existence - something that I intend on pursuing forever!