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BTS - official word from Greg
Greg - 3/11/2008 1:28 PM
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Category: Other
Comments: 1
Hello dive buddies. This month is the BTS in New Jersey. I wanted to officially inform everyone of a few things:

1. It`s ok to wear your divebuddy t-shirt if you have one.
2. It`s ok to meet and greet with existing divebuddy members.
3. It`s ok to join other members or prospective members in a "hospitatlity suite" to get to know everyone better.
4. It`s NOT ok to handout divebuddy related material to non-members or exhibitors...this violates BTS rules.

If you have questions about what you can and can not do for divebuddy at the show, contact the BTS (914-664-4310) or ask me.

Thank you!



Greg - 3/12/2008 12:13 PM
BTW, I am going to the Beneath the Sea tradeshow. I hope to see many of you there. Just look for my bald head and divebuddy shirt!