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Wheeler Branch Lake - Glen Rose TX
Wheeler Branch Lake
Dive Site Location County Road 301, Glen Rose, TX
Max Depth: 61-70ft/19-21m
Average Viz: 11-15ft/3-5m
Entry Type: Shore
Bottom Composition: Clay/Muck
Aquatic Life: Might See Something

Rating: 2.88 by 17 divers
Spring: Under 50°F/10°C
Wheeler Branch Lake is a shore accessible fresh water dive site, located at County Road 301, Glen Rose, TX. This dive site has an average rating of 2.88 out of 5 from 17 scuba divers. The maximum depth is 61-70ft/19-21m. The average visibility is 11-15ft/3-5m. Training platforms are available.

New Lake and Park. Dove in March with visibility about 10’ at 20’ depth. Temp was 45F at 45’ depth. Needed dive light at 50’ depth. Local Fire Dept placed a Training platform at 20’ depth, concrete pad, to the right of the Boat Ramp. No entry allowed at Boat Ramp. Shore line can be steep with very loose soil, gravel. Bottom is very heavy clay. small stand of trees left of Boat Ramp at 50’ depth. No motor power boats will be allowed until fishing opened up in September.

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BillParker - 10/08/2022 8:44 PM
I went scuba diving here on 10/8/2022. Average viz: 11-15ft/3-5m. Water temp: 61-65°F/16-18°C.
Viz was not great but enough to get around easily and play with the fishes. The park was clean as usual.
BillParker - 5/21/2022 8:00 PM
I went scuba diving here on 5/21/2022. Average viz: 11-15ft/3-5m. Water temp: 61-65°F/16-18°C.
Plenty of fish to harass. Viz was good enough you get close enough to see them without scaring them off. There’s new stuff since I was last there. I found series of concrete tubes to swim through.
sjbyrd - 9/23/2020 8:31 AM
I went scuba diving here on 9/19/2020. Average viz: 11-15ft/3-5m. Water temp: 76-80°F/24-27°C.
tenball - 8/12/2020 7:15 PM
I went scuba diving here on 8/11/2020. Water temp: 71-75°F/22-24°C.
great fun
Db1949 - 7/22/2020 10:06 PM
Have the fresh water jellies shown up yet
Db1949 - 7/25/2020 2:52 PM
update-Dove yesterday, found jellies at 23’ just N of the platform toward the tree
tenball - 8/12/2020 7:09 PM
out there yesterday vis was 10 ft or better great fun
aeroknut - 7/22/2020 7:24 PM
I went scuba diving here on 7/22/2020. Average viz: 11-15ft/3-5m. Water temp: 61-65°F/16-18°C.
aeroknut - 7/22/2020 7:22 PM
Dive 7/22/202. Nice gravel bottom entry near the the pavilion that leads to the buoys. Hard thermocline 30-35’ where temp drops off FAST. Basically a night dive below 40’. LOTS of fish.
Flynfo - 6/27/2020 9:36 PM
I went scuba diving here on 6/27/2020. Average viz: 11-15ft/3-5m. Water temp: 71-75°F/22-24°C.
64 degrees at about 30feet, but 75ish at 25
BillParker - 5/19/2020 11:18 PM
I went scuba diving here on 5/17/2020. Average viz: 11-15ft/3-5m. Water temp: 56-60°F/13-16°C.
The water is till a but chilly. Good viz when you stay away from the areas used by students. Dense plants due to the mild winter. Plenty of fish and one turtle to play with. I recovered a fishing weight and gave it to an angler.
BillParker - 7/16/2019 12:31 PM
I went scuba diving here on 7/15/2019. Average viz: 5-10ft/2-3m. Water temp: 71-75°F/22-24°C.
I’ve seen better viz but it was more than adequate. We visited one of the new helicopter wrecks for the first time labeled "LZ2" according to the black buoy. It was a chunk of rusting metal with a dive platform on top. It was below the thermocline that day so there were no fish and because it was brutally cold. The rest of the time was spent playing with fish attracted to rock/tree/bush rubble and beneath the floating swimmers platform. 0-10ft directly beneath the floating platform was where the most fish were. I didn’t see any crawfish but a few bass and hordes of Texas piranha. A good dive.
Jared84 - 6/27/2019 6:39 AM
I went scuba diving here on 6/25/2019. Average viz: 5-10ft/2-3m. Water temp: 76-80°F/24-27°C.
Went to see the helicopters. Visibility was very bad, worst I have ever seen it there. Thermocline at 22 feet.
BillParker - 6/27/2019 12:50 PM
BillParker - 8/01/2018 7:19 PM
I went scuba diving here on 7/31/2018. Average viz: 16-20ft/5-6m. Water temp: 81-85°F/27-29°C.
Great viz if you stayed away from where people were stirring it up. The blue gills kept biting me. I saw a school of some kind of fish with spots under the floating platform that I don’t think I have ever seen before.
CoastieDiver - 7/27/2018 11:01 AM
Dove here on 7/26/18. Surface temp was around 86. Be prepared for a lot of plant growth when you first start your dive. once past the plants, the bottom is pretty clear. A lot of fish. Definitely recommend looking at the map on this site for location of objects. Once you find one, there are lines to lead you to the others. My son and I like the bus. There are very large fish hanging out inside. we hit the thermocline right about 25’ (middle of the bus). Cooled down to about 64. You can get a deep dive here, but it gets darker around 30 ft drop off. There is a floating dock that is great for non-divers. 13-15 ft around it and fairly clear of plants so you can snorkel and see fish.
sethcaudle - 5/28/2018 10:11 PM
I went scuba diving here on 6/4/2017. Average viz: 11-15ft/3-5m. Water temp: 71-75°F/22-24°C.
sethcaudle - 5/28/2018 10:10 PM
I went scuba diving here on 6/4/2017. Average viz: 11-15ft/3-5m. Water temp: 76-80°F/24-27°C.
sethcaudle - 5/04/2018 2:10 AM
I went scuba diving here on 4/23/2018. Average viz: 11-15ft/3-5m. Water temp: 61-65°F/16-18°C.
BillParker - 4/04/2018 11:58 PM
I went scuba diving here on 4/4/2018. Average viz: 11-15ft/3-5m. Water temp: 61-65°F/16-18°C.
Viz was fine but I’ve seen it much better here. Plenty of fish to play with. I think I’ve finally learned how to tell the difference between abandoned and inhabited craw fish homes so I see more of them now. It looks like the water plants were mostly killed off during the colder than average winter so they aren’t choking everything off at the moment.
Jared84 - 3/26/2018 9:58 PM
I went scuba diving here on 3/26/2018. Average viz: 11-15ft/3-5m. Water temp: 61-65°F/16-18°C.
63 at platform, 68 above thermocline (17ft ish). Saw a lot of big bass that seemed interested to see me after the long winter. Found a MARES MRS Plus weight Pocket with 5 LBS in it that was the exact match to mine so now I have an extra!
sethcaudle - 9/15/2017 3:43 PM
I went scuba diving here on 9/14/2017. Average viz: 11-15ft/3-5m. Water temp: 76-80°F/24-27°C.
tenball - 9/05/2017 2:47 PM
I went scuba diving here on 9/3/2017. Average viz: 11-15ft/3-5m. Water temp: 81-85°F/27-29°C.
Had a blast.Pretty clear and plenty of fishies.I picknicked also