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Stingray City is a fresh water dive site, located in Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. This dive site has an average rating of 4.37 out of 5 from 27 scuba divers.

Best 12 foot dive in the world. Feed the stingrays.

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DivingViking - 6/22/2024 4:39 PM
Rating Added: 5
Sting Ray city is just as the name implies a place where Southern Sting Rays will be encountered. This is a shallow dive, can even be done snorkeling. It is entertaining to feed the Sting Rays but dont tease them! Really a fun dive and unique to Grand Cayman.
billsoccer - 5/21/2013 8:19 PM
Rating Added: 5
One of my favorite dives - yes, it’s the Stingrays that get you here, but the guided dive around the barrier reef is fantastic - eels, barracuda, and lots of colorful fish I’ve forgotten after 2 years. Depth is only 2-10 feet so surf - if there is any - is your major challenge.
DonFostersDive - 10/31/2012 9:43 AM
Rating Added: 5

Playing with the Southern Stingrays at Stingray City is a unique and incredible dive. Normally we are told not to touch aquatic life, but here, after an informative safety briefing, we encourage you to touch the Stingrays. Most divers are amazed by how soft their underside is.

The dive is generally conducted with divers kneeling in a semi-circle or circle in 10-14 feet of water. The guide is the only one allowed to feed the Stingrays in order to prevent over-feeding, but they will lead the stingrays around the divers so that everyone that wants to can get up close and personal. Fish generally join in the fun too.

Bring your camera and take some unbelievable photos before the sand gets too stirred up!

Generally after around 40 minutes, we’ll have a short dive away from the boat anchor to explored the North Sound barrier reef where we find beautiful corals, barracuda and even the odd nurse shark or turtle.

A unique experience!
wizact28 - 5/18/2012 12:52 PM
Rating Added: 5
This is where i got my 1st Stringray hicky....