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Picked up used twinset 95s. Give me your opinions on condition please.
NORTHEAST - 12/07/2014 5:54 PM
Replies: 6

So I just picked these worthington lp 95s up today for a good price. I took the chance of not tearing them apart when I bought them and I’m taking the guys word. Tanks were hydroed with plus rating in 2011 and viped in 2012. A couple of questions. Have you guys every seen rust like this around the neck of the tank and by looking at it do you think it will pass vip. I understand that the inside is checked also. And also how could I go about cleaning the tanks as a whole. What should I use for the oxidation rust etc
fpv930 - 12/07/2014 6:32 PM
The rust on the outside of the tank is not an issue as long as there is no pitting. To Pass VIP the tanks need to be opened and the inside inspected. Also, most inspectors will inspect the integrity of the threads. If the tanks are being used for enriched air then the inside needs to be free of rust and contaminates. If not, then "tumbling" of the tank will be required.
NORTHEAST - 12/07/2014 6:45 PM
Ok did you click the link showing the top if the tank neck that is the rust I’m talking about. And yea hopefully these tanks are clean inside. They will be used for ean. And what should I use to clean the whole tank rust, oxidation etc.
TColJeep - 12/07/2014 8:38 PM
Bring the tanks to your local dive shop. They will do a VIP, send them for a hydro if needed and they will do the O2 cleaning required for Nitrox. If all is well you can clean any surface rust on the exterior of the tank with a wire brush.
NORTHEAST - 12/08/2014 2:33 AM
Thanks so much guys. And yes I do dive a Drysuit.