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Brian from West Palm Beach FL | Scuba Diver
Brian Ward - B_Ward_NYC
United States West Palm Beach FL
54 years old
Joined On: 3/16/2009
Last Login: 1/12/2017
Experience: Expert
Looking For: Dive buddy - just friends
Relationship: Single
Company: ScubaWorks
PADI Master Scuba Diver and PADI Divemaster certified. Former US Army combat veteran. Soon to enroll into IDC course to become PADI Instructor.

Recently relocated to South Florida from NYC. Always up to meet and go diving with new dive buddies.

Love to travel the world & would be nice to have some great travel dive buddies!

Love diving all over the world, especially the warm tropics

BIG shark diver! Have travelled the globe to scuba dive and snorkel with many types of shark species to include; tiger, great hammerhead, scalloped hammerhead, nurse, grey reef, Caribbean grey reef, oceanic whitetip, blacktip reef, whitetip reef, whale shark, bull, lemon, Galapagos, silky, silvertip, etc.

Most recent dive trips have been to Galapagos Islands, Great Barrier Reef (Australia), Tahiti, Bora Bora, Rangiroa, and Fakarava, Utila (Honduras), Cat Island, Bimini, Grand Bahama, Paradise Island (Bahamas), Bonaire, Aruba, and Curacao, Puerto Rico (Vieques and Culebra), and an amazing dive trip to Fiji !!!

For 2016 and 2017, I have trips lined up for return trips to Tahiti and Fiji, Indonesia, Cocos Island (Costa Rica), Cuba, and Maldives. Always up for meeting new dive buddies, and any buddies interested in joining on for the upcoming dive trips, please send me a message with your interest and we will go from there. This site can be great for meeting new dive buddies.


Smithsgold - 8/22/2015 12:10 PM
Happy Birthday !!!! Enjoy !!!
Smithsgold - 8/21/2014 2:00 PM
Happy Birthday !!!
Greg - 8/22/2013 9:26 AM
Happy birthday man! Go scuba diving.
Greg - 2/27/2013 9:35 PM
Just wanted to say hi, and thanks for being such an active member.
K9COP92 - 6/27/2012 6:51 PM
Thanks for the add buddy! I’m prior Army as well. Hooooah!!!
B_Ward_NYC - 1/01/2012 3:03 PM
Not sure what happened to this website, or my background, pix, etc, but this new site looks awful!
Greg - 1/01/2012 4:48 PM
I know I can’t please everyone, but I am interested to know what you do not like about the new site. If it’s a matter of unfamiliarity...maybe I can help. Thanks.
B_Ward_NYC - 10/09/2011 9:09 AM

I will be leaving from JFK to LAX, then LAX to the capital city of Papeete. From there I will be spending 4-5 days in Bora Bora, then off to Rangiroa for another 4-5 days. I will be doing all the "Pass" dives, lagoon dives, deep and drift dives as well. I hope to get great topside shots of the most beautiful lagoon in the world, and lots of great shots of dolphins, sharks, turtles, manta rays, and great reefscape and deep open blue shots. I will keep the names of all the best dive sites and be sure to update the group when I return for those of you who will be soon heading out to the South Pacific and French Polynesia in the near future. Thanks! So excited for this very big trip!
B_Ward_NYC - 10/09/2011 9:03 AM

I have a new personal website up at so all of you are more than welcome to check it out. I have uploaded lots of great shots and video from many awesome dive vacations that I have been blessed to attend over the years. There are many more images there, since this website can only hold up to 50. Check it out and feel free to show your love. Thank you dive buddies!

Brian Ward
Nesher - 8/16/2011 12:18 AM

I enjoyed the pictures from the Bahamas.

I"m leaving in a month heading out to either hunt Lionfish in the Bahamas on the S/Y Juliet or some leisure diving at Little Cayman Beach Resort. ( I definitely need some R&R right about now)

I know you’re leaving for Tahiti later in the year....but if you want to break away for a few days, let’s roll out.

B_Ward_NYC - 8/14/2011 12:59 PM
Hey everybody!

I’m finally getting up videos that I shot while down in the Bahamas. Going up now, so feel free to check them out. Thanks!
