Steve Pryor - diverfromtexas
100 Tanza Ct Georgetown TX 78628
72 years old
Joined On: 6/15/2011
Last Login: 8/31/2012
Experience: Proficient
Looking For: Dive buddy - just friends
Habits: Don't smoke or drink
Relationship: Divorced
Children At Home: No
Company: Dive World
Looking for lots of diving opportunities so need to stay cheap except once a year when I take a trip. Like camping and plan on inland and coastal dives to gain experience. Keep trips to drivable places. My home is in Georgetown, TX - just North of Austin.
I’m a high school science teacher so I have my summers and two weeks at Christmas free.
SCUBA diving since summer 2010. Have achieved rescue diver. My goal is to be an instructor in a couple of years.