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Jace from Arlington TX | Scuba Diver

I don’t drink or smoke, but I’ll mix your drink or light your cigarette for you. I just want someone to dive with!


Q8Diver - 8/13/2019 5:17 AM
Hello from Kuwait and welcome to Dive Buddy ...... I wish you a great time here...Q8Diver
Diver1371 - 8/08/2019 7:19 PM
Welcome aboard!!!
JaceTiger - 8/05/2019 9:57 PM
I made a 87% on the following quiz:
Scuba Diver Refresher - Quick Review Quiz
JaceTiger - 8/05/2019 9:51 PM
I made a 100% on the following quiz:
Scuba Diver Dating Quiz