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Anonymous - 7/23/2007 12:53 PM
Category: Anonymous
Replies: 11

I`m sorry but I have to complain just a bit. What is this obsession with posting picture`s that don`t pertain to diving? I can see the occasional individual shot or even one of your family. But I too often go to photo`s and see photo`s of what sometimes feels like everything but diving. Does anyone out there feel the same as I do?
Anonymous - 7/23/2007 3:22 PM
Well you have to realize a couple things. People are posting pics to their profile pages to help describe them and the way the live. Obviously diving is a big part or they wouldn`t be on this site to start with.

So when you click on the photo link at the top, you see everything that people are posting to their profiles.

Also, this is a relatively "young" website. It doesn`t have corperate sponsers like some of the other, more advanced ScubaBoards out there. And therefore, is limited in how the site performs. (so as to hide some of the pictures or better catagorize them) But it is growing in size and functionality.

So yeah, there are a lot of "non diving" pics on this site, but if you look around the other sites, you will find just as many "non diving" pics there as well! They just have a catagory for it!

So I wouldn`t complain too hard.... in fact, make a donation and get a dive flag next to your profile name.

Keep up the good work Greg!!
Anonymous - 7/24/2007 2:49 PM
I can add a category option...but I just figured a photo title and keyword search would be cooler. Too many options make the site over whelming. I can`t please everybody :)
Anonymous - 7/26/2007 1:23 PM
I don`t expect you to try and please everyone that would be a impossible task. I was just pointing out a observation that I noticed when looking at the photos. I thought the Buddy Board was a place to discuss anything to do with diving even if it`s a negative comment. I didn`t mean for you to take it personally. I also wasn`t trying to put down the site either. I think it`s a great site and a very easy to operate one as opposed to a lot of others.
Anonymous - 7/27/2007 12:25 PM
I agree that pictures of people partying help me me know kind of person they are are, BUT it doesn`t really apply to me NOR do I learn anything about diving from viewing that pic. It would be nice if those photos could JUST REMAIN in the person`s profile and NOT as part of all the main photos we peruse through.
Anonymous - 7/27/2007 3:50 PM
Thank You
Anonymous - 7/28/2007 5:13 PM
Hi my name is Mike . I am from Palmbay FL. I enjoy looking at dive pitchers & nothing else You could check my profile.. Its not the best but I am not a bull shiter like some outhers!!!! My zip code is 32907 scubadmike
Anonymous - 10/08/2007 11:45 AM
I don`t mind photos that are of other things ,It a way of insite to the person that you are calling buddy but have never met and considering taking a dive with, also lot of the photos are of what people are doing on their dive trip when not in the water. be it parting in a bar or laying on a nice beach or poking a native in the eye with a sharp stick, eather way some pics show drytime entertainment of that region of which your are planning a trip to.
Anonymous - 10/10/2007 6:10 AM
its great to see pictures not only diving related, aslong as we arent going overboard with absolutely no diving related pics
Anonymous - 10/15/2007 11:05 AM
Let me defend myself by saying you don`t know me so I would appreciate it if you would not speak of things you don`t know about. This post was the first and only negative post that I`ve made since I`ve been a member of divebuddy. Also it was a simple observation and thanks to greg I have the right to voice my thoughts so long as they are clean and valid. You do not have to agree as that is obvious, however you can at least respect me as an individual. Even if you don`t agree or like what I wrote by not slamming on me.
Anonymous - 12/08/2007 8:17 PM
I stand accused... I fairly new to the sight and a fairly new divers with a zestful love for my grandson. Most of my pics are of him. However in most cases it is true that pictures can speak a thousand words. It`s an additional tool get to know someone. I see lots of family pics I know their family people, I see kegs and bottles I know these are partiers. I`ve been diving a little over a year; bahamas, OBX, many quarries, waterways in Maryland and the Atlantic shelf. Haven`t taken a lot a pics (just got a cam) but I`ve seen everyone elses and after a while they all look the same but to see mother and daughter, father in son, etc... is a good break on occasion... Dive Well