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Comments: 8


Flapydog - 11/14/2011 11:30 PM
Who’s tongue it is, its cool photo
-sharkbait - 4/01/2011 9:51 PM
thank you :)
hcdiveteambrian - 3/31/2011 2:48 PM
that is so cool.
Horizontaldiversllc - 2/04/2011 11:15 PM
haha thats awesome
-sharkbait - 2/04/2011 9:19 PM
a grape :)
Horizontaldiversllc - 2/04/2011 8:26 PM
what is that you are feeding the iguana?
-sharkbait - 2/02/2011 12:03 AM
Poor little guy was hungry :)
Aquaman247 - 2/02/2011 12:00 AM
Why are you licking that iguana? lol